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Greetings prospective property to the House of BlackLeather.

The following will give it some indication of the kind of property that MASTER seeks and some of the general parameters and/or conditions that enable it to be possessed as property. 

MASTER is fully aware that what MASTER seeks may or may not be what a prospective property seeks.  Thus, MASTER's responsibility is to offer clarity so that both MASTER and property are very aware of what MASTER expects so that the property can make a well-informed and grounded decision as to whether to proceed or not as prospective property in this MASTER’s household.  By making as much of what is expected known upfront reduces misunderstanding and potential claims of abuse.  MASTER is seeking only those which are by nature born to servitude and ownership, desire to be claimed and owned, and voluntarily seek this manner of life experience.  Finally, MASTER seeks those that consensually affirm their willing participation in growing and being developed in ways they believe will enable and empower them to live how they were made to be.

What MASTER expects of each prospective slave/property during recruitment and acquisition is what MASTER expects of it for the rest of its life as MASTER's property should it be taken and owned.  Namely, the property is regarded as a wholly-owned subsidiary of MASTER and, thus, there is nothing about it that MASTER will not own and that it willingly and gladly surrenders to MASTER's will and purpose. 

Accordingly, I expect property to be what it is at all times, 24/7/365 total power-exchange (TPE), which promotes the principle of authenticity—being real according to the nature to which it was created.  And further, the property will live transparently as MASTER’s property which promotes its nature to be fully realized with pride and honor.  Shame--a residual manifestation of human ego rooted in fear--is what keeps a property from being fully and completely what it is. 

Paradoxically, being property enables it to experience the most radical form of freedom in which it can freely, completely, and with pride be how it was created to be and live its freedom in a state of slavery and possession as a property. 

What MASTER seeks to own is human property where it is regarded by MASTER and itself as a thing—not a person with rights, self-determination, or agency—in MASTER’s household.  The obedience and service I expect proceeds from its commitment to being the thing MASTER desires, not what it desires for itself—other than being MASTER's most excellent property. 


Let U/us begin with the basics that inform MASTER's consideration of a prospective property.

slaves making presentation to MASTER
for training and service.

MASTER is only interested in owning property that lives to obey, serve, please, and worship the MASTER/OWNER with excellence, enthusiasm, and without hesitation.  

Accordingly, MASTER seeks property that freely puts before MASTER all that it is for MASTER's use, development and pleasure.  This is the principle of surrender and once it has freely given its freedom, flesh, heart, mind, and soul to MASTER; there is no going back, no second thoughts, no possibility of release, no rights, and no limits.  Property that is owned owns nothing--even its freedom.  MASTER owns everything about the slave.  This is a consensual non-consent slavery household.  Be sure that when it is considering what it seeks, to be clear on this point.  This is not D/s where negotiation is the operative principle.  Rather, this is M/s where obedience and service without hesitation or reservation is the normative expectation of a slave in the household.

Dungeon service
for well-trained slaves
To be imminently clear, what MASTER offers and expects is not "role play" but real life as property.  This is not fiction, not porn, not imagination--this is real life and it will live as real-life property in MASTER/OWNER's household.  MASTER regards property as a valuable asset which is owned so that it serves MASTER's needs, wishes, desires and commands.  MASTER will determine whether and which of its abilities, if any, are of interest to MASTER to satisfy and/or develop.  MASTER satisfies MASTER's responsibilities and duties as an OWNER by ensuring that the property is kept safe, healthy, and alive.  Dead meat is of no use to MASTER.  

MASTER is looking for property that understands that it was primarily created to obey and serve and that it will always and everywhere consider the MASTER's needs as primary.  MASTER seek property that understands that however the MASTER treats HIS property is how the MASTER determines and desires to treat HIS property.  This is based on the reality that the property has no rights, privileges, or considerations other than to obey, serve, please, and worship the MASTER as directed and trained.  

The property has no say in how the MASTER uses, exercises, disciplines and/or trains MASTER's property.  This is MASTER's understanding of "ownership" and MASTER is not in the habit of consulting nor seeking the property's "permission" for anything.  MASTER expects it to be of service when, where, how, and toward whom MASTER commands and demands and that such service will be accomplished with excellence, enthusiasm, and without hesitation.  

Until permanently collared/owned,
prospects are dehumanized with
only a number for identification.

Second, have no illusions about being MASTER's bf, partner, fuck buddy, roommate, etc. etc. etc.  MASTER is the OWNER and SUPERIOR of the household.  properties are owned and inferior to MASTER's authority.  MASTER rules while slaves/properties obey and serve.  This completes the TPE dynamic and this is the only kind of property that MASTER seeks.  This is the only kind of life that it will live.  Thus, being property requires a great deal of courage and stamina (physical, mental, and spiritual) to meet the standards of excellence that MASTER requires and expects.  Whether a novice or expert slave/property, MASTER conducts the complete training of the property to MASTER's specifications and expectations. 


Third, MASTER is a confirmed OWNER and MASTER is only looking for property that has come to the realization that it is property and that being property and being owned is its proper place in the scheme of things.  MASTER is not interested in slaves that are "kinda" slaves....."maybe its a slave" type.  Be confirmed about and dedicated to its nature and welcome MASTER’s ability and capacity to develop it to its fullest potential as property/slave.  It is only with a resolute slaveheart that a property is able to not only succeed in MASTER's household but prosper as well.

Service is a matter of disposition
and training in being excellent
at whatever is required.
MASTER wants to clarify that MASTER is not expecting a “perfect” property/slave before MASTER takes possession.  Rather, MASTER is seeking those that are aware of and committed to their nature as slave/property in whatever form it has experienced and/or expressed that slavery to date.  Of necessity, the type of slave that MASTER requires will be trained.  The purpose of the training is to build upon the true nature of the prospect and to facilitate that nature’s fuller realization and manifestation.  MASTER cannot, however, make something that is not slave/property by nature into a slave/property.  Thus, be confirmed and committed to the realization of its nature.  MASTER's initial inspection and training determines/confirms the nature of the prospective candidate to MASTER's household.


Fourth, anything that MASTER brings into the house is owned wholly and completely; it becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of MASTER.  MASTER owns the flesh, mind, heart, and soul of the creature. There is nothing about the property that MASTER will not own and for which MASTER will not be responsible.  MASTER will own the good, beautiful and true as well as the bad, ugly, and false.  The former will be developed to excellence and the latter eliminated.  Thus, resistance to being owned property and the demands of all that means is a major disqualifier--or, at the least, not the property for this MASTER.   

Status in the house is based on
duration of service.  Newcomers
watch, learn, and perform servile
tasks.  With more training comes
more opportunity to serve
MASTER directly.

Fifth, MASTER owns other property and this prospective property will be the newest, that is the least, among the other properties as a "newcomer."  Expect, therefore, to prove its worth and value to MASTER by being the lowest of the properties and being so with pride and dignity as owned property.  In so doing, and, maybe, through the process of training be raised to higher levels of service.  As with any new position in life, it must show its value for MASTER's consideration and further development. Until such time, it remains the servile piece of property that it was created to be and will obey and serve wherever MASTER commands it to serve MASTER's needs and pleasures.  Thus, evidence of growth and development of its nature is rewarded.

At all times, MASTER expects property to be honorable and respectful toward all of MASTER's other properties whether material or human in nature.  As everything is owned by MASTER, the manner in which it treats MASTER's other properties demonstrates how it regards the MASTER.  MASTER does not tolerate dishonorable nor disrespectful attitudes or behavior.  Such behavior is swiftly and severely addressed and eliminated by whatever means necessary.  MASTER does not welcome nor tolerate the invasion of ego within MASTER's household.  There is only MASTER and MASTER expects the very best.

So inquirer, with those basics on the table and having demonstrated perseverance to read this far, provide MASTER more detail about its experience with the Master/slave dynamic and its history of training and development with other Masters.  MASTER will want some additional detail about the current location of the property, physical characteristics of the property, some pics, and what talents/abilities it has to offer that make it of value to a Master as HIS human property.  So much like any piece of property that MASTER acquires (e.g., vehicles, houses, etc.), give MASTER a sense of what this is like and how it would be of interest to MASTER for further consideration and prospective acquisition.

Direct all responses to  MASTER await its response.

House of BlackLeather
Pittsburgh, PA, USA


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